​​Circle K-D Trail Riders Club


Congratulations to our 2023 Award winners!!


Goat2Bee Creations

Barrels and Bulls

By Dale and Sally Ropp

Scottdale Feed And Supply

​​​NEW!! Extremely flexible

Options for

Working Memberships
(See Membership Application for more information concerning types of memberships)

Work a:

  • Playnight: 1 work credit
  • Half Day of a show (4 or more consecutive hours): 1 work credit
  • Full day show (8 or more consecutive hours): 2 work credits
  • Cleanup: 1 work credit per 4 hrs worked
  • NIO event: 1 work credit per 4 consecutive hours worked, maximum of 2 credits per day
  • Obtain a sponsor:​  Walk Level: 1 work credit, Trot Level: 2 work credits, Canter Level: 3 work credits
  • Grounds Maintenance: 1 work credit for every 4 hours
  • Serve as an Officer: 3 work credits
  • Serve as a Director" 1 work credit to attend 70% of meetings, then 1 work credit for each playnight you direct

*Single Memberships need 5 work credits

*Family Memberships need 10 work credits

The work requirement is designed to be flexible and inclusive of people at all stages of life and careers. Anyone who does not complete the work requirement and wants to continue being a member in future years, will be charged an additional $40 per work credit not completed the following year. For example, an individual pays $40, then only earns 1 work credit: If they want to sign up again the following year, their dues are $200. $40 is the base, plus $160 for work credits they didn’t earn.

Family, Friends & Fun!

Do you love horses?

Looking for a family oriented atmosphere with friendly competition?

Whether you enjoy trail riding, showing, gaming, riding for fun or just enjoy watching, Circle KD offers something for everyone!  

From shows, to trail rides, parades, and weekly play nights, there's a place for all riders, all ages, and all disciplines.  

Don't have a horse? That's ok!  You can still join and come have fun with us!

2025 Virtual Meeting Monday March 17th

Warm-Up Show Sunday May 18th-INFO TO COME